Saturday, January 8, 2011



INTENTIONS for holy communion regarding the Church Triumphant, the Church Militant, and the Church Suffering.

1. In thanksgiving for benefits; to obtain an increase of graces and blessings for the whole Order; particularly to supplicate the divine assistance in the spiritual and temporal necessities of your own Community; in praise of God for the glory of the saints, and especially of the founders of Religious Orders.

2. For the Catholic Church in general; for its special wants in this country; for the propagation of the faith; for the intentions of the Holy Father ; for the hierarchy ; for zealous priests and evangelical laborers; for the League of the Sacred Heart, and the intentions of the Apostleship of Prayer; for your own sanctification, fidelity to your vows, and final perseverance.

3. For the holy, suffering souls in purgatory in particular for the deceased members and benefactors of your Order, and for those souls that were most devoted to the Holy Eucharist and to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Visitation Manual (Special intentions are mentioned in the following chapters, i.e., in the opening prayer, under the caption: Offering of Mass and Communion, for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and so on, for each -day in the week)  gives the following list of intentions for holy communions:

THE first communion in each month, for the renovation of your vows, or good purposes.
The second, for the exaltation of the holy Church, for the Pope, and the whole ecclesiastical order.
The third, for the preservation, union, and perfection of your Order.
The fourth, for the conversion of infidels and sinners.
The fifth, for concord among Christian rulers ; chiefly for the welfare of the country in which you reside, or for other public necessities.
Sixth. A holy communion and Mass, once a month, for all the souls in purgatory.
Seventh. A holy communion and Mass, for the deceased members of your holy Order; and one upon the
decease of relations and Sisters.

In the monasteries of the Visitation, a Mass and general communion are offered for all benefactors, at their decease.

On the first Friday, or first Sunday of each month, offer your holy communion in union with the League of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the intentions of the Apostleship of Prayer.

The intentions for the daily communion are:

1st. For the special wants of the Church, particularly in this country, and for the propagation of the faith.
2nd. To obtain evangelical laborers.
3d. For the whole Order and particularly for the spiritual and temporal necessities of your own Community.
4th. For those devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to our holy founder.

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