Thursday, May 12, 2011

MAY DEVOTION: Day Twelve - The Visitation

12th Day — The Visitation

As soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. (St. Luke)

1. Mary's first action after God had come to dwell in her was one of self-denying charity. She undertook a troublesome journey in order to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Thus she proclaimed charity to be the virtue which above all Christ brought with Him from heaven. "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another." How can I stand this test?

2. God made Mary's visit the occasion of a wonderful miracle. On her entrance into St. Elizabeth's dwelling, St. John Baptist was cleansed from sin in his mother's womb. Mary was the channel of the exceptional privilege of the cleansing away of sin in the case of the unborn child. As then so now: Mary is the channel of all graces, and above all, of the restoration of the sinner to friendship with God.

3. Mary's charity is not less present now than at the time of the visitation. Nay she is far more eager now than then to promote the happiness and console the sorrows of those who fly to her for succor. Why do not I obtain more graces and blessings than I do through Mary's intercession? It is no fault of hers — it is, alas, because I am proud, self-willed, obstinate, selfish, indifferent.

Mother of God, star of the sea,
Pray for a wanderer, pray for me!

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